Restoring 500 Hectares of Grasslands
Over 1 million saplings, including native species of trees, shrubs, and grasses, will be planted to create a more biodiverse and balanced landscape. The planting approach will be mindful of the savannah ecosystem’s natural structure, with trees and shrubs planted sparsely at 50-100 individuals per hectare to avoid crowding the grasslands.

Starting at Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary in partnership with the Pune Forest Division, our restoration efforts will extend to Rehekuri, Karmala, and Nannaj Wildlife Sanctuaries. The Grasslands Trust is engaged in restoring the former Great Indian Bustard habitats across this region.
Ecological Restoration Strategies
Assisted regeneration will focus on supporting the natural recovery of plant species in areas where human intervention has degraded the grasslands. Fire lines will be strategically placed to protect restored areas from the frequent wildfires that can devastate savannah ecosystems.

An on-site nursery thriving under the green shade net. Such nurseries will nurture over 1 million native saplings of trees, shrubs, and grasses – the foundation for a future of restored biodiversity and balanced landscapes.
Enhancing Livelihoods for Local Communities
70 jobs will be created through restoration efforts, and the initiative will provide sustainable fodder for pastoralist communities, improving food security for their livestock. The project will engage 1,500 beneficiaries, including smallholder farmers, encouraging the adoption of sustainable land management practices to ensure the long-term health of the grasslands.

Improving Climate Resilience and Carbon Sequestration
The project will contribute to climate change mitigation by enhancing the grasslands’ ability to store carbon. The deep root systems of native grasses and trees are effective at sequestering carbon in the soil. Restoration efforts will also improve soil health, increasing its water retention capacity, which in turn strengthens underground water storage. A healthier grassland ecosystem will provide long-term resilience to climate variability, reducing the vulnerability of local communities to extreme weather events.

Deep root systems of grasses.
Special attention will be given to riparian zones—areas along rivers and streams—which are crucial for water regulation and biodiversity. Native species will be planted along these watercourses to stabilize the soil, prevent erosion, and support wildlife that relies on these habitats.
Riparian Zone Restoration

Developing a Scalable Model for Restoration
A pilot restoration model will be developed on 50 hectares, which will serve as a scalable and replicable template for grassland restoration in other semi-arid regions. Lessons learned from this demonstration site will provide valuable insights for creating long-term restoration protocols. Restoration activities will include continuous monitoring to adapt practices as needed, ensuring that both the ecological and community goals are met effectively.

Measuring ropes mark sub-plot sizes, grids assess grass and herb cover, and infiltrometers gauge water infiltration rates – essential tools for ecological surveys and grassland restoration.
Grassland Restoration Videos